first of all, you should use the linux fdisk, as using the one that comes with
DOS is nothing else than SUICIDE if you have ext2 partition on your HD.
It already has destroyed some of my partitions while I didn't ask him anything.

Normally, if you let the installation program handle the LILO installation, you
should just type DOS at the boot prompt, and it should boot your window

if it doesn't (and that your windows partition hasn't been destroyed!!!), you
have to configure lilo, by editing the /etc/lilo.conf file.

If you don't know how to do it, juste type man lilo.conf, and it will give you
all the help you need to do that.
When you have finished to configure your /etc/lilo.conf file, you run lilo to
install it, then everything should work fine.

PS : if you REALLY urgently need to boot your windows, you can boot with a DOS
floppy disk and type fdisk /mbr to restore a windows MBR. But then you'll have
to boot your linux with a LILO floppy or something to reinstall lilo and be
able to boot both win and linux.


Marc Herms wrote :
> Please help me VERY soon, this is urgent, because I cannot use my Windows 
> anymore!
> I have updated Linux to Mandrake 7.0. There have been NO problems with the 
> installation.
> Then, I started my PC, but it didn`t start Windows (as it did before). I 
> have the Boot Manager installed and it should start Windows.
> So, I tried to boot to a dos disk and I ran fdisk. There are several 
> partitions, but ALL are "NON-DOS" partitions!!!
> When loading Linux, I can see my hard drives (hda1 + sda1) where I have my 
> Windows system.
> I think that all this could have been changed by the LILO, but I don`t know 
> HOW to reconfigure it or WHAT to do.
> Please, let me know what I have to do in order to use my Windows again!
> I want that the pc boots to Windows, using the Boot Manager, as default.
> how come I don`t have a valid DOS partition anymore??
> Please help as soon as possible!
> thanks,
> Marc

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