I'm rather new to linux (all I have done is used other systems, and
installed it on a few computers).  I have an old 486 box kicking around
and I want to install Mandrake 6.0 on it (I've installed it no problem
before, just not on this box).
The trouble is when I try to install it, the installation cannot find
the cd-rom. 
First of all the cd-rom is a panasonic compatible drive (nscd-2x-p)
which plugs into my SB compatible Zoltrix 1600 sound card.
During the install I'm given the choice to choose my type of cd-rom, I
choose the non-scsi route and then select soundblaster/panasonic for
cd-rom.  Autoprobe fails to find it.  I have tried to do it manually
with sbpcd=0x220,7,1 but it hasn't worked (maybe I'm doing something
wrong here)
Any ideas?  

"The Universe is, at any time, what you say it is." 
----James Burke----

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