Sujeevan wrote:
> my friend has a 14g HD (FUJITSU) and he is trying to install Mandrake 7
> on his computer. we tried to boot the computer with 14G, but the
> computer just hung. The HD has option to use only 2GB so that the old
> computer can use the drive, but i want to set it up so that he could use
> whole 14G. Please help me...
> Thanks in advance!!!
> Sujeevan R
> Toronto, Ontario
> Canada.

What, you don't want to use only 14% of the drive?  Neither would I...

Did it come with software (labelled as being for DOS) such as OnTrack?
You do need this and you MAY be able to get it to work with linux.

If your BIOS only supports a 2 gig drive you are SOL unless you have
such a program.  I've set up 2 antique computers over the years using
larger than supported hard drives AND linux.  And was successful at it
too, although ripped my hair out at times.  I might be able to give you
some hints if you have such software.  (Hope it's Ontrack, but I never
owned a Fujitsu)

It can be tricky, I'm warning you now.


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