"Oliver L. Plaine Jr." wrote:
> On Sat, 18 Mar 2000 16:22:06 -0600, Jeremy  wrote:
> >If that works for you, you got it easy.
> ----------------------
> Sun, 19 Mar 2000  12:54:40
> Well Jeremy, it wasn't that easy <grin>, but it is working really
> fine..
>         I did not intend to put any money into this old P-166..it has
> the antique BIOS dated DEC 1995...I was warned off of the overlay
> programs by good people on the Packard Bell newsgroup.. I did not want
> to put a bullet in the brain of this old computer with a BIOS flash
> gone bad....
>         When I installed the 13gig WD it showed as a 2Gig. I just
> installed W95a with the PB recovery floppy that fdisk two gig fat
> 16...as far as the bios was concerned that was a full load...
>         Then I installed MDK Helios 6.1 using the expert mode which
> lets you partition manually with Linux Fdisk.....no disc dude or any
> of that automatic stuff...I just put hda2 as an extended partition all
> the way to the end of the 13 Gigs and started the logicals with boot
> first and sectioned them on out, made my swap and native and loaded
> the mandrake.....
>         I did scotch my partition table with a dumb move I will not
> expound upon <g>..as I was trying to partition Linux .and I was locked
> out of a brand new unbootable disc, with a 95a system that I had just
> put many hours into....fortunately I had been looking around with FIPS
> 2.0 prior to that and had made a backup file on the FIPS floppy...I
> did not use it for any thing else...so I ran the FIPS recovery file
> and it reconstituted my W95 table and luckily nothing was
> harmed....the second attempt at loading the mandrake went like a
> charm...and I have unbelievable room..<smile>.
> Olly P
> Biloxi Mississippi.

Man, I still swear that I couldn't see the whole drive when I tried
that.  And I had crossed my fingers that fdisk in linux would see it and
work. But I wasn't so lucky.

Maybe it has to do with the system, and maybe redhat 5.0 didn't have
something that newer madrakes do.

Anyone who's trying to upgrade their antique, by all means try this
first... BUT if it doesn't work you may need to use OnTrack.  There are
commercial versions if it didn't come with your drive, and you might
even need to find an older version if they've changed things since.  My
previous tips could save you some time and frustration in that case.

Sooo, how long until mandrake ships on a roll of scotch tape?  hehehe 
(see the recent story on slashdot.org, someone got 10gigs capacity on a
roll of scotch tape-I shit you not! Now that's a hardware hack)  


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