Hi Jero
    Thanks very much for the info. Actually I don't have mdk 7.0 on the
laptop, had it on there but couldn't get on the net to get questions
answered so I reinstalled Windoze 1898. I will keep an eye on the pcmcia
services though.

----- Original Message -----
From: "jero" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, March 17, 2000 3:03 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie]

> Hello,
>     I have the EXACT same pcmcia network card. One little suggestion for
> you,
> don't try installing Mandrake 6.1 on your laptop....the network card is
> really
> difficult to get working (been working on it for the past 4 days).
> Now, to your question, have you made sure that in the setup menu you've
> pcmcia services running? I found that the services run by default in
> Mandrake 7.02
> are extremely limited. In 6.1 they run many more services.
> And I'm pretty sure you have to stop the service before ejecting the card.
> could be
> wrong though.
> Jero
> hello wrote:
> > Hi All
> >     I have a compaq presario 1230 laptop with a dual boot of window98
> > Linux mandrake 7.0 and I'm trying to get my linksys combo ec2t pcmcia
> > ethernet card working. I did find it is supported.
> >
> > Also with linux do you have to stop a pcmcia card before ejecting it
> > you do with a windows os.

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