Altern8 wrote:
> Hi gang,
> I am would like to get a copy of Mandrake, and atm I have the following
> modem and sound card,
> Diamond Supra Express 56e Pro modem, and Creative Labs SB live player 1024
> PCI.
> Are these 2 compatible with mandrake? I looked at the web pages, but dont
> find anything that matches them
> Cheers
> Kev
> #############################################
>   Kevin Hunter     #  Altern8 on DALnet
>                Sop on #IRChelp
>                    #
>          Know your damn role, Jabroni
> ############################################

I think you can get the SB live going.  Some of them are recognised on
install, some of them have to be convinced to work.

For the modem, I don't know.  If it's a winmodem (requires Win) then
maybe not. might have
information.  Or check the diamond site.

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