Lane Lester wrote:
> I'm running out of space on which I put everything except /boot. I've got
> another partition to which I'd like to move /usr, but I don't have a clue
> about how to do that. If there's a man page that explains it, just point
> me toward it. Or if you're feeling generous, just describe what I suspect
> are just a few steps.
> --
> Lane
> ____
> Lane Lester / Madison County, Georgia USA
> Using Linux to get where I want to go...

Do all the following as root (and be carefull!)
first, create a new file system and copy your /usr dir partition to the
new partition :
mke2fs /dev/[new partition]
mount /dev/[new partition] /mnt/tmp
(cd /usr && tar cpf - .) | (cd  /mnt/tmp && tar xpf -)
umount /mnt/tmp

then, mount your new partition to /usr :
mv /usr /usr.old
mkdir /usr
mount /dev/[new partition] /usr

finally, edit your /etc/fstab, and add the line
/dev/[new partition]    /usr    ext2    defaults        1 2

and WHEN YOU ARE SUR EVERYTHING IS OK, delete your old /usr directory:
rm -rf /usr.old

If you have further questions, I think that there is a
hard-disk-upgrade-HOWTO (or ...-mini-HOWTO)


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