Stephen Bosch wrote:
> Hello:
> I am/was running Mandrake 6.1 on 2.2.13-7mdk. In order to add sound support
> for my Diamond Monster MX300, I had to compile a kernel. I used the kernel
> sources for 2.2.14 to do this.
> It compiled just fine. The binary works, and I got my sound running. Things
> were great until I discovered that I couldn't print anymore. After some
> investigation, I realized that I now have about 1/10th of the number of
> modules in my /lib/modules/2.2.14 directory as I have in my
> /lib/modules/2.2.13-7mdk directory -- and of course, conspicuous by their
> absence were parport.o and parport_pc.o.
> I tried compiling the modules again. Nothing. Where did they go? Are they
> not part of the kernel sources? Do I need to go somewhere else to get them?
> It seems silly that a basic component like parallel port support should be
> part of the kernel source, but I can't get the bloody thing to compile.
> Thanks for any help,
> Stephen

I'm probably not gonna be a lot of help since I haven't done the
new kernel thing for a long time.  However, as I recall, when you
type 'make config' it gives you three choices for every option. 
y,n, or m.  If you type 'n' then it doesn't make anything.  You
have to type in 'm' to specify that you want it as a module.  

Just my $.02 :-)


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