> I'm probably not gonna be a lot of help since I haven't done the
> new kernel thing for a long time.  However, as I recall, when you
> type 'make config' it gives you three choices for every option.
> y,n, or m.  If you type 'n' then it doesn't make anything.  You
> have to type in 'm' to specify that you want it as a module.

Thanks anyway =)

I used xconfig to configure the makefile, and answered yes or module to any
query I could find related to the parallel port. No dice -- it claims to put
the modules in /lib/modules/2.2.14 and adds entries to /etc/conf.modules,
but the modules themselves are nowhere to be found.

If I'm missing something specific in xconfig, I hope someone can point it
out -- but I've been through it with a fine-toothed comb, I can't find
anything that says "parallel port support" directly.


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