I have a solution, but you probably won't like it.  I had similar problems 
with my Trident 3DImage975 AGP vid card, and tried for about 2 weeks to get 
it to work.  I eventually fooled around and got it so I could get into a 
GUI, but it would constantly lock up on me.  I finally went out and bought a 
new vid card, (ATI Expert98 PCI), reinstalled Mandrake 7.02 from scratch, 
and everything worked beautifully.  If you go to the XFree86 website, they 
recommend the S3 chipset cards first, then an ATI vid card. Sorry I couldn't 
offer any more advice.


P.S.  If you read the README.trident file, you will see that they had 
problems with many of Trident's card.


I'm having problem with my Trident 3DImage985 AGP Videocard, when starting
Xserver on Mandrake 6.1.
The device is in the Driver list of this version of mandrake.I select the
device from the list. Also my Monitor is in the list of monitors. It probes
the setting Ok but X server has some problems with this device.
Also when I select 800X600 in 8 bit mode, the X server can't perform a
proper appearance.
If anybody has the remedy, please inform me.


A. Momeni
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