The problem does not seem to have to do with how many windows you have open as it has happened to me with only two open.  This does not seem to occur with the older versions so I am running 4.07 right now and this has never manifested this problem
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, April 03, 2000 7:50 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Prob2- Netscape

No, Netscape doesn't suck!  It's not my favorite, but it's head and shoulders above anything else out there now for Linux.  I know there are die hards out there using text only browsers, and if that works for you - GREAT!!  There are also people who swear my Mozilla; I've tried it, it's about as robust as a group of college students final exam project - functional but that's it.

This is just my opinion, but could we keep the 'it sucks' comments to a minimum and just try to answer the question?

Now to the tech problem:  I've noticed that sometimes Netscape will shut down on it's own, I'm not sure why (I think it has to do with too many instances - ie windows - open at once), but I've downloaded newer versions and haven't had that problem near as much.  I'm using the 128bit version now but you can get the regular version here:
Make sure to get most recent version (common, communicator and navigator), and yes, they are working on the 'dull' look too!

If you want to get email about what the latest upgrades are, go to this address:
and subsribe to the changelog list.

Anthony Huereca wrote:

> 1 - Netscape just shuts itself down sometimes without this
> a Netscape oddity or a Mandrake Linux problem?

It's just because Netscape sucks.

> 2 - is Netscape so meant to look so dull and lacking in colour?
> (compared to the win version it IS a bit boring to look at)

Again, it's because Netscape sucks

> 3 - Netscape is noticibly slower connecting and loading pages off the
> this normal?

I've noticed no difference. Well, maybe I have. Does it take longer because it
seems to be downloading something (like a picture), but it can't seem to finish
it? I could be wrong, but seems like Netscape must finish downloading
whatever it's currently doing before it'll move on to anything else. Quite
annoying, and yet another reason why Netscape sucks.

> Oh, I'm using ver 4.7 that came with MDK7.0
> Thanks again in advance for everyones patience.
> Paul
> Ps...I think a couple of these questions were previously aired in this
> forum, but I had a little accident and wiped out a whole bunch of
> stuff   :o(
Anthony Huereca
Computers are not intelligent. They only think they are.

Michael Holt

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