Yea I understand  your pain.. after having a similar problem of losing
data... I reinstalled windows and then reinstalled mandrake I made it where
I boot linux now from a floppy.. so when I want windows I just reboot and
let it load.. and when I want linux I put in my boot disk and let linux
load...  also a side note I have 2 harddrives my windows drive and a
dedicated drive for linux..

of course the only Fail safe way is to back up critical data..and just try
it again..
hope this helps.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2000 8:08 AM
Subject: [newbie] Installation of Mandrake 7.0

I am a new user to Linux-Mandrake 7.0, well I should say potential new user!
I obtained a copy of Mandrake 7.0 from last month's issue of PC Plus. I
followed the instructions in the magazine and on the CD ROM expecting to be
able to dual the system and be able to use Windows when needed.

When the system rebooted I found (on pressing the <<TAB>> key to pull up the
OS menu) that there was no option to use Windows. I am not especially
familiar with Unix and the layout so I ended up reinstalling Win98. At the
initial install I used the "Auto Allocate" feature to resize my Windows
partition and allocate the appropriate partitions for Linux, but I ended up
reformating the entire hard disk and losing Windows.

LILO infact only gave me the option to boot using "linux" and "floppy".  I
find the action of repartitioning the hard disk quite daunting and I am
loath to try it again. However, I really do want to try linux on my system.

I have a AMD Athlon 600 Mhz PC, with a 27Gb HDD and 128 Mb of RAM, running
Windows 98SE. I have had no real problems in Linux detecting my hardware, in
fact it seems to work quite well, but as I have a number of Windows
applications (who doesn't, but that may change after the Department of
Justice ruling yesterday!!!) I want the flexibility to use both OS.

Please could anyone help with an "idiots guide" to installing Mandrake 7.0,
with particular detail around repartitioning the HDD and getting LILO in the
right place to boot either OS?


Parminder Bansal

AstraZeneca R & D Charnwood
Process R&D, Bakewell Road, Loughborough, Leics LE11 5RH, England
Tel: +44 (0)1509 645629   Fax: +44 (0)1509 645536

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