The error was made of uninstalling "wu-ftpd"
to replace it with "ProFTPd" and as a result
I have no functional ftp server, the response
was "connection refused".

Then Proftpd was uninstalled and 
an attempt was made to install wu-ftpd
again to restore previous working ftp server.

This produced an unacceptable result.

Response to ftp was:

connection refused.

This is not an acceptable result
when I ftp into my server.

This is the only acceptable result

connecting to
enter password [or similar response]

End of message.

On Thu, 06 Apr 2000, Stephen F. Bosch mewed:
> Vic wrote:
> > I need serious help here, I tried to install ProFtp because I
> > thought it was "sooo neat" and NOW--
> >
> > I can't even do ftp at all!!
> Can you be more specific?
> Please -- post error output, so that people can actually help you.
> -Stephen-
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