already helped him fix it...thanks anyways

"Stephen F. Bosch" wrote:
> Vic wrote:
> > The error was made of uninstalling "wu-ftpd"
> > to replace it with "ProFTPd" and as a result
> > I have no functional ftp server, the response
> > was "connection refused".
> I hesitate to blame Proftpd. This is a config issue.
> > Then Proftpd was uninstalled and
> > an attempt was made to install wu-ftpd
> > again to restore previous working ftp server.
> >
> > This produced an unacceptable result.
> It sounds like a config issue =)
> > Response to ftp was:
> >
> > connection refused.
> Okay, now I want you to post a copy of your
> /etc/inetd.conf
> to the mailing list.
> -Stephen-

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Kit Goins                  ICQ# 7110071
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                Lowell, Mass.
Web Designer
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