Well, it shouldn't.

But try referring to the app with it's linux name, like this:

wine /extra/winprograms/soundstuff/kjofol.exe

and I don't know if wine is case-sensitive about this...

On Apr 7 wolfen999 wrote:

> i am trying to run wone and keep getting the following error wine: can't exec
> "program name "  file not found wine: no executable found  i have tried wine
> program.exe where program = the what i am trying to run  i have tried wine
> c:\programfiles\ e.t.c.  and c:/program files with spaces and underscores  with
> / mnt with forward and back slashes and it keeps giving me the same dumb error 
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The little critters in nature; they don't know they're ugly.
That's very funny... A fly marying a bumble-bee...


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