thanks...exactly what I need...but is there a way to print out
the whole a hardcopy?

Mike Corbeil wrote:
> flupke wrote:
> > KompuKit wrote:
> > >
> > > Hi...does anyone know WHERE (online)...I can get a list
> > > of all the COMMANDS for linux...that are used in a terminal
> > > access...for instance, in a rescue mission...or whatever...
> > > or that are used in a command line prompt...etc. ?
> > >
> > > I need to have a hardcopy of case of emergency,
> > >
> > > I need them also to specify...the purpose behind each command,
> > > and their syntax...etc.
> > You really want ALL of them? Then, you can get a list with this command
> > :
> >         ls /bin /sbin /usr/bin /usr/sbin
> >
> > Then you can have a doc about these with the man pages.
> >
> > But if you want most of them, someone posted a link to a really good pdf
> > book that contained a good number of them. Unfortunately, I can't
> > remember where it was. Look at the archives to find it.
> >
> > HTH
> > Flupke
> Try xman.  This is a gui for man.  You need to  bring up the man page for
> each command, but xman categorizes commands in a fairly nice format.
> Run
>         xman &
> in a terminal window from your window manager or desktop.  The & will place
> the job in the  bacground, which  permits you to continue using your
> terminal window for other work, or to close that window.
> mike

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Kit Goins                  ICQ# 7110071
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                Lowell, Mass.
Web Designer
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