I remember the VHS vs. Beta war and wow was it bloody.

When I was little I liked VHS for a totally stupid reason,
but after I found out that BetaMax was built on the design
of the U-matic, I found out why it produced a better

Do you remember an old commercial video format called U-matic?

On Thu, 20 Apr 2000, you wrote:
> On this whole debate..I'm about to stick my head WAAAY over the parapet here
> for you Microsoft haters to snipe at
> So, please, don't get me wrong..I'm intregued with Linux, and I'm really
> glad I took the plunge. I'm not in any way having a go at Linux with any of
> my comments.
> I was more talking about the technical reasons why Windows is visible to
> Linux, but not vice versa, and thanks for those who've mailed..some off
> list..to explain.
> But on the other topic of the ethics, or lack of them, from Microsoft.
> I'm a relative newcomer to the world of the PC, in whatever form it takes. I
> hit 41 this year, and touched a mouse for the first time ever only 30 months
> ago. Microsoft have made computing easy for people like me. I've spent a lot
> of time learning how Windows works..not necessarily WHY it works..I'll never
> be a programmer :-)) and consider myself very proficient with the OS. I can
> run my business on Windows, as well as my leisure PC needs..Linux, as it
> stands does not offer me that first option. I haven't found anything I've
> wanted to do on my PC that I cannot do under Windows..I have already found
> that not to be true with Linux.
> Hand on heart, even going into Linux with my eyes wide open, armed with the
> PC 'knowledge' I've had from working in a Windows environment, I really
> could not see Linux in it's current form ever seriously challenging Windows
> as the OS of the public. Yes, it may be more powerfiul, yes it may even be
> more 'Flexible' (Whatever that may mean), yes it may be more stable, but for
> an absolute novice they would really, really struggle to get anywhere with
> it. When I was starting out, I spoke to friends who were PC owners, got
> their help, figured the rest out myself. What would the chances be of me
> approaching them and saying I've bought this new PC, it has something called
> Linux on instead of windows..how do I install a program?..and actually
> finding someone to help me? This forum is just great, and has been a HUGE
> help over my first few weeks of using the OS, but if I was starting as a
> total PC newbie, I'd probably never have got this far!!When Linux evolves,
> as it surely will, to the point where it becomes 'newbie friendly', THEN it
> will be a serious alternative for the leisure PC market.
> Yes, I understand all of the arguments that Microsoft are only interested in
> their own product, and have no interest in supporting other OS's, but
> frankly...why should they? I have my own tool shop..there is another one up
> the road..if a customer comes in and wants something I don't stock, do I
> send my customer down the road, and risk losing him in the future, or try
> and sell him something else that I have got? I only care about what I sell,
> and when you are talking about your livelihood, whats wrong with that? There
> have been plenty of companies who have enjoyed success on the back of the
> success of the Windows OS
> The 'Better Platform' doesn't always win, does it? VHS v Betamax, remember
> that one? Betamax was, technically, a better product, yet VHS was the
> victor. You'll get a better picture off an expensive camera with zoom
> lenses, etc, yet most folks use a point and shoot camera. That, to me, sums
> up this whole thing. Windows is 'Good Enough', and has built up a whole
> industry around itself.
> OK (Sits down and waits for the flak)..I've finished!!
> Cheers
> Andy
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