Throsten, I too had the same problem.  I am a newbie so forgive the lack of
exact wording.
you need to edit your "lilo.conf" file in /etc/lilo.conf
look for a line that starts with:   append="xxxx"     where xxxx stands for
something i can't remember, in any event inside the quotes type a space
after the only entry or last entry and type:
mem=128M     it should be inside the quotes
once your config is saved run /sbin/lilo.conf
when you reboot your system should read the new memory amt.
also good to read with more detailed explination :

good luck
----- Original Message -----
From: Thorsten Brenner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, May 15, 2000 2:56 AM
Subject: [newbie] Please Help !


i know, this Question was asked many times before. But donīt needing
the answer i deleted them.
Now i bought a new Computer (Athlon 700MHz) with 128MB of RAM.
On installation, Mandrake recognizes only 64 of 128MB.
Please, can anybody help me find a solution !!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks in advance

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