Roman....did you try the below when you had web ordering

"Please call at (800) 338-6192 if you are
experiencing problems with the shopping cart."

Unless you have better than a dial-up (dsl or cable at a
minimum) connection downloading the iso is close to impossible
(a single 650 meg file).  

If you do have an iso on your hard drive the only thing I'm
aware of that you can do with it is to burn it onto a CD (an
iso is a disc image and makes a bootable CD [if the original
image was bootable] when burned onto one).


Romanator wrote:
> Alan,
> I tried to purchase the CD but there was some sort of billing address discrepency.
> If I download the ISO file to one of my partitions, that is the one that I want to
> have Linux Mandrake installed to,  do I still have to run rawwrite.exe again.
> I checked the FAQ section and there appears to be a patch for Autoboot.bat. It
> appears that original was wrong.
> I have another computer running WinNT4 with 2 FAT partitions (C and D)and the third
> partition E is NTFS. This is a Pentium III 733 MHz. I will clear everything out on
> the D partition, and try to install on it.
> How about it?
> Roman
> Alan Shoemaker wrote:
> > I believe I said before, run partinfo.exe.
> >
> > I believe you have errors in your partition table that can be
> > identified by partinfo.exe and fixed with ptedit.exe (both are
> > part of PM).
> >
> > Concerning the lost interrupt errors, they are usually
> > associated with hard drives and cdroms.  The best fix for that
> > is to download the i486 version of mandrake 7.0.  If you wish,
> > it's available on CD at:
> >
> >
> >
> > It seems that some mass storage devices are out-of-spec timing
> > wise and this problem with the hardware has shown up because
> > the i586 optimizations that Mandrake is compiled with push the
> > limits of the out-of-spec timing parameters of some devices.
> > The i486 optimizations do not push the hardware as hard in
> > this area.
> >
> > Alan
> >
> > P.S. By the way, buying a MacMillan boxed set will not help,
> > as all disc 1's in all boxed distros of Mandrake 7.0 and all
> > GPL CD's (except for the 1486 version) are exactly the same.
> >
> > Romanator wrote:
> > >
> > > Hi folks,
> > >
> > > My install keeps booting to text install and then does not recognize my
> > > partition table.
> > > Sample message:
> > >
> > > hdb: drive not ready for command
> > > hdb: status error: status = 0x00 {}
> > > unable to read partition table
> > > hdd:hdd: lost interrupt
> > > hdd: lost interrupt
> > >
> > > The line: 'hdd: lost interrupt' keeps repeating and repeating until I have to
> > > do a CNTRL+ALT+DELETE.
> > >
> > > How do you get into graphical mode? I have the Linux Mandrake 7.0 Power Pack.
> > >
> > > Roman
> > > Registered User
> > >
> > > Eduardo Arauz wrote:
> > >
> > > > i haved the same problem a month ago.. try first to run :
> > > > fsck/dev/hda5.. once you ve got into root.. and see if that solve the
> > > > problem... i am about to quit mandrake too but because other problems....
> > > > finally i reinstalled all ... and upgraded my PC but it still doesnt work
> > > > 100% i cant mount either a cd rom or a diskette )
> > > >
> > > > -----Original Message-----
> > > > From:   X Drake [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > > > Sent:   Sunday, May 14, 2000 3:40 AM
> > > > To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > > Subject:        [newbie] No more Mandrake.....
> > > >
> > > > I think I may finally be ready to throw in the towel on Linux. Everything
> > > > is gone, and I wasn't even doing a damn thing other than browsing with
> > > > Netscape. One 2nd everything was great, then for no apparent reason the
> > > > browser went blank - nothing but a white screen - and it wouldn't close. So
> > > > I went to use the Kill tool on it, but I couldn't because all the desktop
> > > > icons had disappeared, leaving only black outlines of where they would
> > > > normally be. I still wasn't overly concerned because this happens from time
> > > > to time anyway. I tried to shutdown, but the shutdown message just came up
> > > > and froze, along with everything else except the mouse. So I manually
> > > > rebooted. The "not cleanly unmounted" errors came up, as they have been
> > > > every time for the past couple months - it usually seems to just delay the
> > > > boot process slightly. But then something different popped up:
> > > > "/dev/hda5 contains a file system with errors, check forced. /dev/hda5:
> > > > inode 43199 has illegal block(s)" and then:
> > > > "/dev/hda5: Unexpected Inconsistency: run fsck manually (without -a or -p
> > > > options)". Then in red, it says "[FAILED]", followed by: "An error occurred
> > > > during the file system check dropping you to a shell. The system will
> > > > reboot when you leave the shell. Give root password for maintenance or
> > > > ctrl-D for normal startup". So I entered the root password, and it said,
> > > > "BASH: ID: command not found". It repeated that bash message for about 5 or
> > > > 6 lines. I tried the fsck, and then it said: "Parallelizing fsck version
> > > > 1.14...".
> > > >
> > > > I manually rebooted again, got the same results. Another time I tried the
> > > > ctrl-D but it just rebooted back into the same thing. When it rebooted I
> > > > saw something about "..cannot unlink..." and "..var/unlock file.." but it
> > > > scrolled too fast to make out the whole message.
> > > >
> > > > It took a lot of time and effort over several months to get things to
> > > > finally work right, and I still had work left to do. I had previously
> > > > experimented with Slackware, which took forever just to get the basics
> > > > setup, but then a couple of unexpected severe crashes requiring
> > > > reinstallation finally sent me back out in search of something better.
> > > > Mandrake seemed to be it, but this latest disaster has me pretty bummed
> > > > with the whole thing. It seems like, although Linux may not crash everytime
> > > > you turn around, the way Windows does, eventually it is going to crash, and
> > > > crash HARD, and not necessarily for any obvious good reason. It's after 1
> > > > AM and I've been struggling with this for several hours, so maybe I'll feel
> > > > different tomorrow and do another reinstall if I have to. But right now I'm
> > > > thinking maybe I might just look for some other OS, maybe FreeBSD or
> > > > something. Don't get me wrong - Mandrake has been great, and it's
> > > > definitely the best distribution of the 3 I've tried, but it just seems
> > > > like there's some inherent unstableness of a different kind lurking in
> > > > Linux in general. Maybe  I've just been having a string of bad luck. I may
> > > > still be a 'newbie' but this one came completely out of left field. The
> > > > worst part of it - I was just about ready to start spending most of my time
> > > > in Linux. I had just downloaded (not installed) a program that could do
> > > > what one of my primary windows programs does, and I had just downloaded
> > > > VMware (also not installed yet). But now here I am back in Windows full
> > > > time it looks like. I can almost hear Bill laughing :-(
> > > >

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