o.k.  Olly.  Here goes.

The installation process did everything right except
make my cdburner go.  I got lucky and had no post
install hardware configuring to do other then that.

I found KDE to be my desktop of choice after trying
gnome (too slow and I've got 256 megs ram and a k6-3
400!), enlightenment (a little faster but only drop
down mouse lists to work from.  too alien at first.) 
and the other desktops and desktop managers all
displeased or confused me or just didn't turn me on in
some way or other.

In KDE I was able to make my desktop look the way I
like it colors and all.  Task bar across the bottom,
controll panel down the left side.

DrakConf ROCKS!!!!!!!!  I use it regularly.  Lothar is
good too but only because I know what DMAs and IRQs
are and where my hardware "wants" to be.

RPMDrake is good too.  If I want to know what a
program actually does I look it up in RPMDrake.  The
descriptions are invaluable.  The actual layout of the
RPMs could use some work though.  Maybe alphabetical?
or at least alphabetical in subdivisions?  Something. 
I'll think about it and say more later.

on a similar note, Kpackage is full of information and
easy to use too.

KSCD is great.  I hate MP3s.  They sound like crap to
me so I listen to either CDs or uncompressed .wav
files.  Although I will admit that I will use KMP3 if
I must listen to an MP3.  It and KSCD appear to be

Kedit is awesome.  Simple.  Flexible.  Need I say

Kcalc is great.  I use it often.

The Gimp.  I use it every day and it was absolutely
the best surprise linux has offered me.  I'm stuck
with linux because of the gimp.

I like Kfortune.  Great laughs there.  My girlfriend
loves the games that come with mandrake.  She plays em
everyday.  All of em.

Electric eyes is nice.

XV I like but only becaue I learned how to use it at a
job I used to have.

Killustrator was the single biggest disappointment for
me.  The gimp is an equal to photoshop.  Killustrator
is adobe illustrators downs syndrome littel brother. 
But the very fact that it exists gives me hope!

I use netscape 4.72 which I had to download and
install myself.  I don't telnet or ftp or IRC or
anything else.  Strictly a WWW kind of person.  So
most of the internet goodies are useless to me now.  I
will probably change my mind in the future.

KFM is a pretty good browser in a pinch too.

Mandrake update tool is great and so is Ktop.

Kruiser (KDE Explorer) is really cool and useful too. 
Why didn't mandrake make its existence more obvious? 
It is so damn useful!

The SU filemanager and terminal programs are extremely
useful.  I love not having to log into root to move
files around in my httpd directory!

Apache rocks.

I have a suggestion for mandrake.  Add a utility
called Webmin.  It is awesome.  Here is the URL

I downloaded staroffice and the java stuff for it.  I
have DSL so I don't mind an 80 meg download.  I am
sure others would appreciate having it on the CD. 
Strangely I find SO to be a bit too windows like for
my tastes but it does what it does well.  Its vector
graphics program is just a teeny bit better then
killustrator.  The browser pretty much blows.

Opera.  Its a test and it crashes a lot but I like
that browser and I am waiting for a strong version so
I can lose nutscrape.  I'm even willing to pay for it
if I have to.

IMWheel?  was it in the distro?  I had to download,
install & make autostart scripts for all my users. 
Same with mozilla fonts.  Why not include then in the
distro?  They don't take much space and readable fonts
are pretty much a must for web browsing...

what else...quake3.  Yep.

Hope this gives you some ideas Olly.  You can find
most all of these programs in the KDE menus.  I pretty
much just went down the list from applications -

Oh yea, KDE find files, controll center and disk
navigator all make my life a lot easier too.  Good

Dacia "give me a chance and I'll write a novel"  ;-P

--- "Oliver L. Plaine Jr."
> On Sat, 27 May 2000 00:07:55 -0700 (PDT),Dacia
> wrote:
> >If you want I will give you a (reasonably)
> >comprehensive list of the programs that were
> >absolutely essential to me during my migration to
> >mandrake.  I would be happy to do that.
> ================
> Sat, 27 May 2000  11:08:32
> Dacia, I would be interested in your perspective on
> that, as I am
> presently searching through the vast offerings in
> Mandrake looking for
> programs to adapt to my use. Please post them if it
> is not too
> laborious..after all it is saturday 8-)
> Thank you
> Olly P
> Biloxi

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