On Sat, 27 May 2000 21:31:48 -0700 (PDT), Dacia wrote:

>Hope this gives you some ideas Olly.  You can find
>most all of these programs in the KDE menus.  I pretty
>much just went down the list from applications -
Sun, 28 May 2000  07:29:38

Thanks for the response Dacia, it is interesting to me what others
think about these programs and compare that to what I am finding.

        I too have been just going down the app list, ..problem with
that is I get tied up studying a program and suddenly it is midnight.
8-) and there are so many to look through and several (like VIM) that
seem to be incomprehensible? searching thru them seems to be a slow

        Alan Shoemaker suggested looking with.., Konsole, navigate to
/usr/bin and begin
launching. I will try that also. and the Doc reading never stops 8-).

        You seem to be interested in graphics.. and I feel the same
about the GIMP...there is a newly posted book called "Grokking the
GIMP-v1.0".....It is nicely done and the 30M download file will be a
snap with your fast connection...I brought it in on a 26.400 ( took
over three hours)
        If you can't find it post back ..I have the info up in linux,
I can't access it from this W95..(no linux modem..I gotta get

Thanks again for your efforts

Olly P 

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