On Mon, 29 May 2000 19:36:20 +0200 (CEST), Paul wrote:

>Unix also teaches you to think and consider again. rm -f does exactly
>that, no questions asked.
>~keyboard junkie~
Tue, 30 May 2000  12:04:20

Right Paul...I like that in a computer system, doing what I command
without hesitation...and I am not afraid to mess with the detonator.

        The frustrating thing is learning how things are set up to
function...Reaching randomly into the basket, trying to piece together
enough data to build a knowledge comprehensive enough, to allow me to
give the system intelligent commands.

        For instance, I spent a lot of time downloading "how to's"
from various web sites , later to discover I had them here all along
on my CD...Well..you never find things like that when you have no clue
they are there..It is not the fault of anyone, it is just the way
things are. Unfamiliarity is the driving element...I want to began at
an intermediate level rather than the newbie qualification I have.
        I do this just for fun, it would not be fun if it were easy,
therefore Linux is "The funnest damn system ever" <grin>.

Olly P

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