thats a good idea Denis.  Why not add:
Errata- (molecular weight calculator, tea timer, etc.
fun, random or otherwise off the wall for the typical
user kinds of programs.)

to the check boxes?

Be sure to include clear indications of what is
installed with each of these options.  That seems to
be the real issue for a lot of us.  Clear indications
of what is included.

You guys ROCK!!  I am so pleased to be able to give
you feedback like this.  Thanks for asking and
listening to all of us.


--- Denis HAVLIK <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi, folks
> Here is one question concerning "Authomated" mode.
> Currently (7.1), in
> this mode you get "everything" except for
> "dangerous" server-packages
> installed, if there is enough place on your HD.
> From your recent posts, I got the impression that
> having a following
> screen pop-up during Authomated install would make
> lot of people happy:
>       Choose the number of installed packages X (Y MB)
> ----------------------------------------------------
>       |                   ## <- This is a slider    
>     |
>       |                   ##                        
>     |
> ----------------------------------------------------
>    MINIMAL                                         
>     [ ] Games
>     [ ] Server applications
>     [ ] Handicaped user
> HELP TEXT: Authomatic install will on default
> provide you with a
> standard workstation. By moving the slider, you can
> choose the amount 
> of software you want to install on your system: Even
> if you choose a
> minimal version, you will get a simple, but still
> rather confortable
> working enviroment. "Everything" installes
> everything, except for games
> and server aplications, unless corresponding
> checkboxes are checked. 
> "handicaped user" installs some hanidicaped-friendly
> programs, and lowers
> the priority of wiz-biz graphical programs.  
> Real gamers should obviously check "Games", And
> checking "Server
> application" would fire a warning "This can be
> dangerous, bla, bla...
> Now the questions are:
> 1) Is this soemthing you wold like to have, that is
> - would any of you
> actually make use of authomated install with this
> option.
> 2) Is this option clear enough?
> 3) What about the three checkboxes?
> yours
>       Denis

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