Denis HAVLIK wrote:

> <snip>
> 3) Disabled: This is new. I was asked by a blind guy if we could include
> some programs for blind and for people who have problems with hands. This
> chategory does not exist yet, but if we introduce it, it will do several
> "inteligent" things at once:
> 1) change the way programs are choosen. Obvious things to do would be
> lowering priority of all the fancy grafical stuff and highering the
> priority of easy to use programs. Probably also highering the priority of
> "sound" with respect to "view", too.
> 2) install additional programs which are ONLY usefull to blind people,
> like progs which can do something with braile terminals.
> Obviously, if a blind man has to do install by himself, you want to keep
> things as simple as possible for him, right(*)? I mean, you do not want to
> hide this option somewhere in the middle of expert install. So, add a
> checkbutton to "Authomatic" install and be done with it.
> I repeat - at the moment, this option exists only in my head, but our
> general opinion here is "well, if we can help them withouth having to
> change too much, why not?"
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> cu
>         Denis
> (*) Blind people are not stupid, but they cannot see, and the install IS
> visually oriented. I suppose they do not apreciate things like trees,
> pop-up menues and color-coding at all. Things like "click here" (ooops,
> where is here?), "upper left side", "red button" and all other
> visually-oriented stuff do not make any sense if you are blind (unless
> you have a braille terminal, in which case left-right etc. do make sense.)

Interesting idea (& I like it BTW) however, in my particular case my wife has M.S.
and requires some modifications to the KDE desktop to deal with typematic rates,
large icons etc. all easily done after install.  My point is not to request
additional services but to keep in mind (I'll go way out on a limb here) that most
households with a disabled user have additional users who do not require these
special mod's therefore lowering the priority on things like Xwindows etc. would be

Keep following thread for additional brain farts of perspiration ( don't want to
pollute the one idea =  one email system .)

Joseph S. Gardner
Senior Designer / Technical Support
Kirby Co.,  Cleveland, OH

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