This came to my attention after fighting ksnuffle for a week
trying to get it to compile.  So in frustration, I wrote to the
developer of ksnuffle and was told that the problem stems from
the fact that gcc 2.95 does not like me.  

Since that time, I have tried to compile multiple apps/utilities
only to have gcc crash and burn.  This was especially frustrating
when I tried to compile kfstab and KDE explorer (can't remember
the name now).  These are apps that have compiled and worked
before.  I would like to convert to egcs, which I downloaded from
a Mandrake mirror and installed.  Heck, with my luck egcs would
probably not work either :-)

HOWEVER, the stinking autoconf configure scripts still find and
use gcc.  

I don't know that much about the differences between egcs and gcc
except that egcs is used by Red Hat, and gcc is used by

So, here is the burning question....How do I make egcs work
instead of using gcc.  Or am I all screwed up??????? 


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