On Sat, 3 Jun 2000, Fran Parker wrote:

>Thanks Denis
>My mistake, it was not you, it was "Denis3"...Alan :)
>that said I should do something else.  He is probably
>right but I haven't done anything like that yet, and
>I am a bit shaky on trying it just now since the remedy
>Paul "Denis2" has should work and it is something
>I would feel comfortable doing at this point.
>I have installed rpms and done tar.gz files but that
>is about as far as I have gone to date.  I hope to be
>more confident as time goes on....but right now...no.

Hi Bambi,
You need not be afraid of the chown command. It does not byte.

If you are not certain, you can first make a copy of it to make sure
things are secure:

Log in as root (since .kderc is now owned by root, the user has no access
to it):

cp <from_file> <new_file>

e.g.  cp .kderc  .kderc_original

then you do the chown thing:

chown bambi.bambi .kderc

log in as bambi again and see if things work.
If yes, then log in as root again (or get root privileges by doing
"su") and delete .kde_original.

If things are not okay, you can set back the saved file:
become root and

cp .kde_original .kderc

Things are back to as they were before you started out on this adventure.


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