first, may I suggest you change your e-mail settings from sending in
html to send as plain text.
second, you may have to install the "make" rpm from the install disk
(cd) if you did the recomended install... make is not a default added
program unless you do a developer install. next I would suggest you get
rid of gohip.. or if you are really pleased with the "browser and e-mail
enhancements" they set you up with please write me off list and let me
know what they did for you... if you need help to get rid of them, (you
cann't just change your home page reloads to's page, and
as far as I can tell that and the signature file are the only
"enhancements") let me know I will send you the url for the uninstaller  

Kanishka Jayasekara wrote:
> I need some help on mandrake 7 installed it but why isnt the make
> command working ? is there some thing els i got to install to make the
> make command work ?
> thanks
> -----------------------------------------------------
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