Amen to that.

--- "Oliver L. Plaine Jr."
> >> I don't mean to be rude, but that is the worst
> run-on sentence I have ever
> >> encountered!  I don't think that your intended
> receiver got what you meant
> >> clearly.
> =====================
> Tue, 6 Jun 2000  14:19:30
> No offense meant to the writer of the above, but
> please do not attempt
> to turn the list into an English course, A quantity
> of contributors to
> this list do not have english as a primary language
> and I would hate
> for anyone to feel that correct punctuation is a
> prerequisite to
> posting.'
> I only speak english, and I have not mastered the
> finer points myself,
> in fact effective writing is quite allusive. I do
> envy persons who can
> use different languages, as I am stuck with just
> one.
> These messages should be utilized for their Linux
> content only.
> correct punctuation is desirable but we should
> accept anything that is
> written in the manner in which it is written.
> Olly P
> Biloxi

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