I don't know the exact details of why linux is faster than windows, but
what I  do know is is that LinuX has one of the fastest TCP/ip 
connections there is.
You can speed up your windows download speed by using Download
accelerator. I use a cable modem and with DAC I get download speeds
4-5 times the regular speed. DAC opens up several connections instead of
1. But I don't see why one would like to use windows nemore except for
DivX, but that will be available under LinuX soon ;)


J Walker wrote:
> In seg, 12 jun 2000, Fred Banana wrote:
> > I often have noticed that I get a continuesly higher download speed in linux
> > than in windows. the speed in windows averages about 3.4 kbits/seconds and
> > that seems as fast as we get. in linux I get an average of 5.5 kbits/seconds
> > with spikes around 12 or 15 kbits/second.  The same dialup isp and
> > modem and I am using a pci modem from actiontec, (call-waiting model) and I was
> > wondering if anyone might have a clue as  to why?
> > are these numbers accurate or is the software averaging the difference and
> > showing me what Uncle Bill and Uncle Linus want me to see?
> > sure SEEMS faster in linux...
> >  heck, maybe I can get
> > my win-blows setup to work better to.
> Same thing here.  Downloads (and any Web activity, of course) are _much_ faster
> under Linux than under Windows.  I have no idea why, but I like it and I use
> it, and I am glad someone other than myself noticed, I thought I was seeing
> things.  The difference is so great, I was wondering why no one would bring
> this topic up...
> I have no idea of how you can improve your downloads under Windows.  I just do
> them under Linux, even stuff for Windows, and it works for me.
> The two items in Windows setup that I managed to improve, based on my Linux
> experience, were:
> 1) Using a swap partition instead of a swap file;
> Now I have 200 MB partition dedicated to Win98 swap.  I configured Win's
> "virtual memory settings" (or whatever the name is, can't recall)  to occupy
> fully this new partition (I do _not_ allow Windows to automagically run virtual
> memory settings).  I also forbid the "Trashcan" of this swap partition to put
> stuff in there.  As such, Win98 is a lot more stable than before.  A friend of
> mine told me that Windows 3.11 had a similar feature, a swap file of fixed
> lenght, but I could not check that info.
> 2) Dumping M$ Office and using StarOffice.
> Microsoft Office install a lot of junk in your Windows and Windows/
> system directories.  Not having it in my computer made it run faster.
> StarOffice is a good replacement (although it does crash under Windows but not
> under Linux, go figure).
> Anyway, I only use Winblows for games (and Copernic, and some Quicken
> transactions that do not work under Wine).  For everything else I use Linux.
> Cheers,
> /J.
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