The  most likely causes of this error actually has nothing to do with the
MBR, where it is at, or the size of any partitions. If your hd was ever
formatted using a manufacturer floppy ( with IBM it is EZDrive, Maxtor is
MaxBlast and I am sure others also have their own). The program not only
formatted your drive but it also flashed your BIOS to fool the hd size
limitation and UDMA 66 incompatibility that older BIOSs had. If this is the
case then neither LILO nor BootMagic can or will work as a bootloader on
your system.
    SystemCommander will work and in Mandrake 7.1 GRUB will work.If neither
of these 2 is an option then the only be able to boot Linux is from a


----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael Scottaline" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2000 5:06 AM
Subject: Re: [[newbie] Fw: LILO & Boot Magic install ?]

> "aifusionextreme" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> <big snip>
> > The only Clue is the size:
> >
> > Boot magic actually gives an error message which says that the primary
> partition must be in the first 1023 cylnders. Why is cares about the rest
> the HD and not just the mbr I cant farthom. But there you have it. Since
> magic wont install and lilo does but fails I assume they both cant handle
> larger drives. When I installed before I had nice neat partitions around
> 2-4 GB mark. I assume this didnt exceed the 1023 cylders option, assuming
> this is the cause. Currently I have a 14GB and a 40GB. Both exitbite the
> behavoiur.
> >
> > if any body with the no-how can help in confirming this theory or
> what limitations the software might have the Please Help. It is not just
me as
> you acan see from the posting.
> >
> > If there is a cyclionder limitation can you explain why a boot manager
> to know about anythning but the mbr ?
> >
> > More importantly how can go about fixing this bug  ?
> >
> =========================================
> The size of the drive is NOT that critical, provided the boot sector is
> the 1024 limit (usually about 8 gig).  Thus create a small (10-12 meg)
> partition below that limit (entirely) and linux should boot just fine.
> Caldera has included a new booter in their eDesktop 2.4 distribution that
> evidently doesn't have this limitation.  My guess is that most distro will
> following suit with something similar in upcoming editions of their own
> distros.
> Mike
> "Always remember that I have taken more out of alcohol
> than alcohol has taken out of me."
> --Winston Churchill
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