On Thu, 22 Jun 2000, Gary Morgan wrote:

> ok, I'm new to Linux, the only knowledge I have is from the books I have
> read.  But all of them have seem to skip over, what seems to me as, simple
> questions.
> 1.  I notice when I do an "# ls" I get a directory listing but some objects
> (files, directorys etc.) are listed in different color text, or have
> distinctive markings next to them (ie. directories are blue, symbolic links
> have the "@" symbol next to them).  What do all these, besides the ones I
> have mentioned mean?
It is due to the fact that mandrake sets up several aliases during
install. type "alias" and you will see that ls stands for "ls --color=auto
-F" (--color=auto for colors and -F to add @ to symlinks, * to executable
files, / to directories, ...)
man ls for more details

> 2.  What are the exact differences between the install security levels?  I
> noticed that if I install with "High" security I cannot, by default, login
> via ftp or telnet, even from the local machine, and I cannot restart (via
> ctrl-alt-del) without being logged in first, however I can do both if I
> install with "Medium" security.
This is handled by the msec package. Look at
/usr/doc/msec<version>/security.txt and msec.ps for details about
different security levels.
You can use the msec command to switch from one security level to another
(man msec)

> TIA,
> Gary Morgan


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