On Thu, 22 Jun 2000, Gary Morgan wrote:

Hi Gary,

>1.  I notice when I do an "# ls" I get a directory listing but some objects
>(files, directorys etc.) are listed in different color text, or have
>distinctive markings next to them (ie. directories are blue, symbolic links
>have the "@" symbol next to them).  What do all these, besides the ones I
>have mentioned mean?

The '@' means that the file is a symbolic link to a different

E.g. you have a file kvirc with the @ mark next to it. This means you seem
to access /home/gary/kvirc_home, but in fact you will access
/home/gary/.kde/share/apps/kvirc. To see where a symbolic link points to,
do an "ls -l <filename>".

When you see an "*" next to a file, that means it is a program or other
executable file (script, Perl or Python program).

>2.  What are the exact differences between the install security levels?  I
>noticed that if I install with "High" security I cannot, by default, login
>via ftp or telnet, even from the local machine, and I cannot restart (via
>ctrl-alt-del) without being logged in first, however I can do both if I
>install with "Medium" security.

I am not all that up to speed with the security levels, but I do know that
these levels determine how far you can go with things. Low security lets
you do anything with the system, and others too, which makes it not very
stable as a crucial server etc. For that you install high security. This
makes a lot of things impossible, thus warranting that the machine will be
as safe as anywhere possible. E.g., you can't shut down the system
remotely that way, incidentally downing a webserver or so.

Hope this helps!

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