Gary Morgan wrote:
> ok, I'm new to Linux, the only knowledge I have is from the books I have
> read.  But all of them have seem to skip over, what seems to me as, simple
> questions.
> 1.  I notice when I do an "# ls" I get a directory listing but some objects
> (files, directorys etc.) are listed in different color text, or have
> distinctive markings next to them (ie. directories are blue, symbolic links
> have the "@" symbol next to them).  What do all these, besides the ones I
> have mentioned mean?
> 2.  What are the exact differences between the install security levels?  I
> noticed that if I install with "High" security I cannot, by default, login
> via ftp or telnet, even from the local machine, and I cannot restart (via
> ctrl-alt-del) without being logged in first, however I can do both if I
> install with "Medium" security.
> TIA,
> Gary Morgan
I'm just going on basic understanding myself, but I'll take a shot at
1.  Just a way at quick glance to organize your files.  Imagine you just
downloaded a few 'rpm' packages, you open a terminal window and do 'ls'
to see what you've got; if they're all the same, it would be a little
more of a strain to find the files you're looking for.  I don't think
there's any tricky formula behind it; in my directory, text files are
green, executable files are bright green, rpm's and tar.gz files (both
are archives - just different types) are red, and graphics files are
purple.  The '@' symbol designates a symlink (shortcut) and the '*' is
another way to indicate an executable.
2.  I don't really know the 'exact' differences between the security
levels; maybe experiment?  You've basically answered that one already
though.  I would generally say though, that not all distros use the same
terms for the same environment; i.e.; what would seem to be 'medium'
security in Mandrake may very well be 'high' security in SuSE.  I
believe that's just a matter of personal preference, and you've already
seen the results.  I've loaded both SuSE and Mandrake / Red Hat distros
and have seen that when trying to use the minicom program (similar to
hyperterm in windows), I have to change permissions on the Mandrake /
Red Hat version but on the SuSE version, the $user is able to use it
right out of the box.
Hope that helps, Mike
Mike & Tracy Holt
Kirkland, WA

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