When the display falls back, try CTRL-ALT-F2 to switch to a free console. 
Sounds like something is playing with your permissions. To be on the safe 
side, once you have the machine back up & running, back up 
/etc/Xfree86/XF86Config and your home dir - if it does go AWOL again you 
can over-write the config files wiht those copies & get on with life until 
you track down what is hammering X.

There aren't many instances where you have to reinstall Linux from scratch 
- at the outside, reinstall the X server rpm, the base X rpms and manually 
configure with xf86config.

On Wednesday, June 28, 2000 10:28 PM, Dennis Myers [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Here is a problem  I have had a couple of times.  I spend time on the
> net one night and everything is ok, I boot up the next day and my
> X-server won't boot, the screen just flashes off and on black to blue. I
> can't get in to server because I had it set to Boot to X-server.  So
> both times I have had to re-install Linux as a new install, and since I
> haven't figured out how to back up data, I lose stuff.  Nothing real
> important, but a pain to get back on the system.  First, why do I lose
> the x-server (Window in KDE)? How do I get back the server without
> re-install, I have tried to do just an update but that fails.  This is
> an annoying problem cause I thought  linux was more stable than this, or
> more likely it's something I am doing.  Any suggestions would be greatly
> appreciated.  Dennis

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