
I think that you can hit ctrl-alt-backspace and it will exit the x-server
(or is it esc instead of backspace)... anyway, then you could run the
xconfigurator and see what settings you needed to change.  Maybe this is
incorrect, but I had a problem (not exactly the same) where I had the
wrong video driver installed and had to get to a text prompt, did this,
changed settings and was fine.  I also think that it will show an error on
boot potentially telling you what is wrong.  

As for fixing the problem, have you left it on to see if it happened
during the night, as well?  Maybe you could see what changed during the
night that would cause it (the log)?  

just my two-cents...

David Lawrence

On Wed, 28 Jun 2000, Dennis Myers wrote:

> Here is a problem  I have had a couple of times.  I spend time on the
> net one night and everything is ok, I boot up the next day and my
> X-server won't boot, the screen just flashes off and on black to blue. I
> can't get in to server because I had it set to Boot to X-server.  So
> both times I have had to re-install Linux as a new install, and since I
> haven't figured out how to back up data, I lose stuff.  Nothing real
> important, but a pain to get back on the system.  First, why do I lose
> the x-server (Window in KDE)? How do I get back the server without
> re-install, I have tried to do just an update but that fails.  This is
> an annoying problem cause I thought  linux was more stable than this, or
> more likely it's something I am doing.  Any suggestions would be greatly
> appreciated.  Dennis

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