Jason Angus wrote:
> Got a question for all of you Linux Experts out there.
> I am buying a new Hard Drive this weekend, I want to
> have Windows 98 on the master drive and Linux on the
> slave.   I want to know how to address installing
> Linux in that environment and how will Linux see that
> second disk \hda2?
> Thanks,
> Jason

With FDISK set-up your 2d HD = hdb as slave.
See your BIOS that a slave will be available.(I think so)
Then make partitions with it as fallows:
/ +- 600MB = primary 
/usr = big one +- 3G  = logical
/usr/local = to maintain your own progs. +- 800 MB =
/home = depend about the nbr of users = logical.
/boot = +- 30MB (to maintain different kernels) = primary
And a swap partition = 2xyour RAM = great max 256MB.
/usr/local and /home are important because when a new
install is necessary they must no reformatted and you
preserve your data.
Resumed: 2 primary's and 1 LINUX extended (83) divided
with /usr, /home, /usr/local.
Then by the install, setup your partitions as above with
I recommand to do the install in text mode = custom.
To do that, in dos or windoooz, get rawwrite from your CD,
run it
and select txt_boot.img to save it on your floppy.
Then continue with this floppy to install.
Another recommandation:
Select EVEYTHING (if there is enough room= +- 1.3G)
After that you can desinstall later the packages who's are
necessary for you. This method prevents several pbs in the
next future.
I think the new packages don't need /boot be installed
before the 1024st cylinder.
If this occurs, make room on the 1st HD (windoooz) and 
install there your /boot as hdaX (x depends about the 
partitions who's reside on the first HD.
Normaly windooz take only 1 primary partition at all.
In this case the totaly HD (1st) is used by windooz.
To make room if necessary, several steps must be taken
without pbs, but ask me how to do exactly BEFORE.

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