On 2 Jul 00, at 0:42, Thomas 2 wrote:

> MS makes applications for Mac OS and others, but nothing for Linux. It seems 
> especially strange considering that Microsoft choose Linux to run it's 
> Hotmail webservers, instead of NT! I wonder how long until MS Linux comes 
> out? Will Linux ever replace the old "Quick and Dirty OS" (that's what it 
> was known as before Bill bought it out from a small Seattle company in 
> 1980)? Then a future version of Windows could just be a Windows manager like 
> KDE with X.

Hey, no Ms bashing. This is a Linux help list, lets keep it that way. 
OTOH, what you say is perfectly true, I mean the fact that a large 
company like MS should put in some effort into contributing towards a 
stable, reliable and dependable OS. It may not be Linux, FreeBSD, it 
is enough if they make something that works well, and is rock solid. 
But then, they'll have to write it from scratch, coz DOS can never 
give the stability of the Unices.
    Sthitaprajna | (at)mailandnews(dot)com

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