On Sun, 2 Jul 2000, someone wrote:

>> > MS makes applications for Mac OS and others, but nothing for Linux.
>It seems > > especially strange considering that Microsoft choose Linux
>to run it's > > Hotmail webservers, instead of NT!

I missed something of this thread, it seems. MS did try to make the
transition from Linux to Windows NT after they took over Hotmail, and they
put in a LOT of effort and money. The problem that they faced, however,
was that there was no combination of NT-computer/memory/disk and windoze
mailserver that could handle the amount of accounts (millions) and e-mails
(gazillions per day). They tried setting this up for 4 months, shadowing
the load of the Sparc's that Hotmail used to NT machines in each
conceivable configuration. It did not work.

So they did not choose Linux, they were just doomed to continue using it,
in a way, since their own product was not able to make it work.

The only thing that I know of that MS did for Unix (not even specifically
Linux), is build some things for Apache so that can support "BackPage"
extensions. (Who'd want that with PHP anyway.)

I know about the limitations of win NT compared to Unix. At work we use a
bit of a database that continuously calculates processes (1.6 million
measuring points that are updated every 2 minutes). All attempts to make
this go on Win NT failed 10 out of 10 times. MS-Access cannot take it,
Oracle for Windows is way too slow.

A nice basic Oracle database on an HP-9000, running HP-UX, has no problem
with it...


Does anyone know what killed the Dead Sea?

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