On Mon, Jul 03, 2000 at 10:18:09PM -0500, Tom Brinkman wrote:
>    The kernel source and header rpm's, about 20 mb.  The reason I do

Ah, you mean the kernel-source.i586.rpm file?  I thought you were talking
about the unpacked stuff.

> I've found a better system monitor that doesn't need lm_sensors

Would you mind sharing with us what monitor that would be?

>   Biggest mistake is to try and compile a non-Mandrake patched
> kernel (eg, from kernel.org) and use it with Mandrake :) 

Yeah, I figured that out with the Redhat kernel RPMS.  After a while I
couldn't re-compile the util-linux.src.rpm, that's when I figured that I
need a fresh install (well, not just because of that, but just for the hell
of installing everything new :])

Alexander Skwar
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