On Mon, 03 Jul 2000, you wrote:
> Everyone keeps asking this question over and over and I began to ask myself
> why?  Well, everyone says add the line : append="mem=192M"
> to your lilo.conf.  Here is the problem.  The last "M" as in megabytes needs
> to be "m".  Everyone steers wrong on this and even the documentation is
> wrong.  I banged my head on the wall for two weeks struggling with this
> issue.  I have 512M RAM and Linux only sees 64 if I don't have that line in.
> As we all know Linux is case sensitive in that:
> nn isn't Nn isn't NN isn't nN 

   'm' worked for you, but 'M' is still correct.  You'll soon find
that there's often dozens of ways to do the same thing in Linux, and
what works on your hardware, might not on somebody else's.

   Keep in mind that the only reason you needed to append a mem
statement in the first place is because of a hardware deficiency.

~~   Tom Brinkman    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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