On Thu, 6 Jul 2000 21:56:55 -0400 (EDT), Mark Weaver wrote:

>Tell that mis-understanding part to one of my 3 HDD's on my system. Used
>FIPS on it once a long time ago when I was new to Linux, and it hasn't
>been the same since. That "useful" little utility scrambled it's eggs so
>bad that I wasn't sure I was going to get it back. I wasn't able to get it
>back until I went at it with Partition Magic, and luckily was able to
>rescue most of the data on the drive curtousy of Norton Utilities. I got
>lucky. Some I've known weren't so lucky after using FIPS. 
>So, it's not a "belief" it's a cold, hard reality of experience. One that
>thankfully I've learned from.

Hi Guys,

A recommendation here is to use the Partition Magic DOS based program to
do the actual partitioning.  Then use each Operating Systems respective
utility to format the partition that each OS will occupy.  For example if
Win98 (Fat32) will be on the 2nd partition, WinNT (VFat or NTFS) on the
3rd partition and Linux (Ext2FS) on the 4th partition, then use Win98 to
format the 2nd, WinNT to format the 3rd partition and Linux to format
the4th partition AFTER you have used Partition Magic (DOS - PQMagic.exe)
to setup or change the partitions.  

It appears that all the operating systems find the DOS partitioning table
acceptable.  If you have PM 4 you can create a DOS boot disk that also
includes a graphical version of PQMagic.exe on it.  You can use
PQMagic.exe to format but while the other OS will accept the partition
table, they will sometimes not like the formatting.  BTW if you always
use the same tool for partitioning and repartitioning you are less like
to have any incompatibilities and corruption.

Ralph Sanford        -        If your government does not trust you,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]    -    should you trust your government?

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