At 00:26 08.07.00, you wrote:

victor.....i assume these two kernels are precompiled kernels that came 
with your installation of
7.1...(although i dont have them but installed 7.1 too).
what u see in kpackage is the source of your new kernel......u can either 
use the precompiled that came with the installation
or compile a customized yourself.....
u can easyly start your linux with the secure kernel by pressing TAB at the 
LILO prompt and then entering the name of it, which shows up under the 
"label=" option in lilo.conf.
i would recommend keeping the old kernel...always better to go for sure if 
the new kernel doesnt work properly for your system.....



>I just used Mandrake Update in version 7.1 for the first time and
>everything went smoothly (I assume). It updated a lot of packages, but
>the one I am most interested in is the new kernel 2.2.16-9mdk. I looked
>in /etc/lilo.conf and there are two new entries:
>* Add by install-kernel
>     label=2.2.16-9mdk
>     root=/dev/sda6
>     read-only
>     optional
>* Add by install-kernel
>     label=2.2.16-9mdksecure
>     root=/dev/sda6
>     read-only
>     optional
>I assume that since both still contain the "mdk" in their name that they
>have not been installed yet. Although, when I look in KPackage it shows
>the kernels installed. Or, does this mean that the Mandrake Updater
>actually installed them? If not, exactly what so I need to do to get the
>secure kernel installed properly.
>After I install the new secure kernel do I still need the old kernel and
>the regular 2.2.16-9? And if not, how do I remove them?
>Any suggestions appreciated,

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