Linux-Mandrake actually has extremely detailed documentation on practically everything dealing with Mandrake, including compiling and installing new kernels.

The overall Reference guide is at:

And the section specifically pertaining to kernels is at:

If you are looking for in depth explanations of anything having to do with Linux, then The Linux Documentation Project is what you are looking for. They maintain the Linux HOWTO's, and more in depth books on Network Administration, security, etc. If you want to compile a kernel or know exactly what goes on in kernel creation, video cards, monitors, databases, etc. the Linux HOWTO'S are the best source. These documents are extremely well written and are described in fashion that any beginner, novice, and expert can find useful. Here are a couple of  mirrors for it :

For the HOWTO specifically dealing with kernel compilation and customization:

I hope this helps (I'm doing my first new kernel tonight),


excalibur wrote:


  I've been using Linux Mandrake for about a month and a half and it's
  great, though I've much
  to learn of it. Does anyone know of a website with a good how-to on
  compiling the kernel or even a good book that would cover the topic? I'd
  greatly appreciate it.


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