On Fri, 7 Jul 2000, John Murphy wrote:

>Can anyone give me an idea on how track down what changed. I did a re-install
>of KDEbase and KDEadmin from CD but still have the same problem. 

Hi John,
It sounds at least as if your application associations got messed up

Perhaps creating a new temporary user would help. Log in as that user, run
X-windows and check the mimetypes and set-up applications. After that you
should be able to get going in copying the .kde/share/applnk and
.kde/share/mimelnk folders from the temp-user to your own ~/.kde/share
directory. chown them, and things should be pretty much back to normal
If someone else has a better idea, then just forget what I said.

Good luck,

The deepest truth cannot be spoken

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