Dave -

The problem is that imwheel writes a file /tmp/imwheel.pid where it keeps
track of the pid of imwheel so the "imwheel -k" command can be used to kill
a currently running imwheel and start a new one.  imwheel has a nasty habit
of leaving its pid file around and it sets the user and group to the user
creating it and permissions to rw for only the user creating it.  So it
sounds like you have an imwheel.pid file in /tmp that only root and read and

You have a couple of options.  Note this is all theory as I only run with
one user id and "su root" when I need to so I haven't had your problem.
That said, you can "chmod a+rw /tmp/imwheel.pid" and hope imwheel doesn't
manage to delete it or your system cleanup doesn't delete it.  Or you can
try using "imwheel -p" to forego writing the pid file.  Then you takes your
chances that you don't end up running two copies of imwheel and making
things act goofy.  This might happen if you put it in your autostart folder.
A recent post about putting the imwheel command in the Xsession script might
be a better idea for this option.  Lastly, you could write a script that
starts imwheel and does the "chmod a+rw /tmp/imwheel.pid" in case it is
freshly created and put that in your autostart folder.

- Ralph

----- Original Message -----
From: "Quaylar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, July 10, 2000 10:54 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Wheel Mouse Driver

> At 11:41 10.07.00, you wrote:
> hi harry/ralph
> i was trying too what ralph described, but for some reason i cant start
> imwheel as user.....only as root.....
> typing imwheel -k as user results in following :
> couldnt write pid to pid file : no permission
> i already changed permissions on /usr/X11R6/bin/imwheel* with chown and
> chgrp <user>, also $HOME/.imwheelrc
> but problem remains......
> srolling with mousewheel as root user works pretty good-----would
> appreciate doing it as normal user too.....
> hope u can help
> --dave

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