Speaking from my experience I say that there is no
compelling reason to update if you are happy with your
current install.  I made the leap to 7.1 last week and
have been plagued by problems ever since.

Mouse wheel refuses to work.  Over all performance is
slow.  Gnome and enlightenment crash when I try to
open netscape.  GQphoto doesn't work.  It leaves weird
artifacts on my desktop.  My internet connection is
much slower then it was in 7.02.  It went from average
70-80K to 15-25K download rates.  Quake3 is slower and
more laggy.  My mouse simply doesn't feel right. 
Somethings different but I can't seem to get it to
feel comfortable to me.

Earlier this morning my girlfriend and I decided to
burn a CD of all our important files, wipe the whole
drive and re-install 7.02.

Thats my experience with 7.1.  Yours will probably be


--- Dennis Myers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Let me throw this out again, I need help in deciding
> whether or not to
> upgrade from 7.0 to 7.1.  If everything is working
> ok in 7.0 is there
> any compelling reason to upgrade? Also, if I do get
> 7.1 will an upgrade
> do the job or should I do a clean install, or
> something in the middle?
> Anyone with experiences either way just jump right
> in here. I'm leaning
> towards the upgrade and could be tipped over pretty
> easy. I will go out
> and buy the deluxe package if it seems reasonable (
> I like the idea of
> supporting the Commercial companies to keep the
> linux fire in the
> consumers sphere of attention). I can't do a d/l
> since for now I'm
> running a 56K modem.   All opinions are welcome. 
> Thanks,
> --
> Dennis-Registered Linux User #180842

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