it was xerox (sp?).  THey had the first GUI and
"mouse" built and working at their palo alto research
laboratory.  Steve jobs or whoever took the idea.

--- Paul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sun, 23 Jul 2000, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
> >Romanator wrote:
> >
> >> Let's take it a little further. Windows isn't
> original. Isn't it a
> >> derivative?
> >
> ><snip> Awe, c'mon Roman...its okay to say
> "blood-sucking leech" when
> >it comes to Windog! <big grin>
> A nice little thing I once read in a book (don't
> recall the title, I read
> too much :) is that at one time Apple wanted to sue
> Microsoft for copying
> the idea of the mouse-driven graphical interface.
> Then, from Palo Alto, Kodak (!!) came up and
> threatened to sue Apple for
> the same thing if they were going on with that. Old
> film and paper
> documents showed that Kodak had been experimenting
> with mouses etc.
> already long before Apple got the idea.
> (Could be that I am completely wrong with Kodak as
> the company, but that
> is how I remember it.)
> Paul
> --
> Promise, large promise, is the soul of an
> advertisement.
> )0(    [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]    )0(
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