the xerox parc (palo alto research center) developed the gui and mouse.. 
but xerox thought it was a waste of time, and sold the work parc had done 
to apple... who then used it..

At 03:28 PM 7/23/2000 -0600, you wrote:
>actually, i think (could be wrong) that it was xerox that was going to sue 
>apple, they came up with the GUI first.  i also think that Apple did 
>actually get it in a court, the it was ruled that the GUI was not 
>something they could claim as their own.
> >Romanator wrote:
> >
> >> Let's take it a little further. Windows isn't original. Isn't it a
> >> derivative?
>A nice little thing I once read in a book (don't recall the title, I read
>too much :) is that at one time Apple wanted to sue Microsoft for copying
>the idea of the mouse-driven graphical interface.
>Then, from Palo Alto, Kodak (!!) came up and threatened to sue Apple for
>the same thing if they were going on with that. Old film and paper
>documents showed that Kodak had been experimenting with mouses etc.
>already long before Apple got the idea.
>(Could be that I am completely wrong with Kodak as the company, but that
>is how I remember it.)
>Adrian Smith
>'de telepone dude
>Telecom Dept.
>x 7042

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