1960's -  Used crayons to color in punch cards while waiting in the computer
1976   -  In high school we did some time sharing.
1979   -  The college I attended thought they should start teaching this PC
1983   -  Finally owned my own PC
1988   -  Thought I knew enough to own my own computer company
1995   -  Started to tinker with this Linux thingy
2000   -  Thought I knew enough to start my own review website dedicated to
Hardware and Linux (after all, assembled/built/repaired over 50,000 pieces
of computer equipment ... )

Present -  Discovered that the smartest people tell you that they don't know
anything.  It keeps the conversations much simpler :-)


PS. We are always looking for volunteers with brains and ideas.  Please
contact me if you would like to have your thoughts on new hardware published
on our website.

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Daniel
Sent: Saturday, August 05, 2000 12:32 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Linux resources online

My first job was selling Sanyo 8086 and 8088s back in 84, and I started
programming on tandies in 81

> Anybody else on this list old enough to remember when the "suits"
> didn't run things, and games/software were ported to every single
> platform, just because they could/it was neat? Circa '80's with
> names like Tandy, Atari, Amiga, etc, etc,... ;-)
> --
>                                                                /\
>                                                            Dark><Lord
>                                                                \/

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