First of all, fdisk /mbr wouldn't fix the damage that the installer had
done.  I got an invalid media type on drive c:.  The directories
wouldn't list.  Norton 2000 wouldn't fix it either.  How do you figure
it is user error, when GRUB wiped my mbr and it wasn't repairable.  I
tried all to get that drive back, but couldn't.


Tom Brinkman wrote:

> --
>    bottom line in most of these install complaints I've see in this
> thread .... is user error/misunderstanding (ie, 123, where 3 = not a
> Linux or Mandrake (7 or 7.1) problem at all).
>    In this case if he had successfully run (DOS) fdisk /mbr, his
> system couln't possibly have booted GRUB, since the entire mbr
> would have been overwritten, and Winblows would then boot, since
> if it finds a blank mbr on boot, it writes one.  Since he can still
> 'see' his Windoze files from Linux, a Winsux re-install isn't
> neccessary.. a proper fdisk /mbr from a clean dos prompt is.
>    there's 3 levels of dos prompt in Winsux... DosMode, Dos by
> mashing F8 on boot, and a real DOS 7.1 prompt obtained by
> preventing any win files from loading during the initial boot up.
> The latter is suitable for flashing your bios, or successfully
> overwriting the master boot record, or running old DOS games that
> W9x doesn't get along with anymore.
>     The boot disk made during a Winblows install should produce a
> clean DOS 7.1 prompt (W95 = DOS7.0).  If that's not available
> there's sites on the Net where a DOS (5.0 thru 6.22) boot disk
> containing fdisk can be downloaded.
>  --
> ~~   Tom Brinkman    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Harry Flaxman  | Reg Linux User 182484
ICQ # 22086907 | Reg Linux System 80769

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